Solving for Humanity is the world’s first innovation challenge on human development organized by and for youth, with the support of United Nations experts.

This summer, over 3,500 young leaders in 120+ countries engaged with public and private sector experts while developing short, data-driven proposals that conceptualized humanity’s highest priority challenge — across the planetary pressures, techno-economic systems, and sociopolitical institutions of development — as well as how we define success in addressing these top challenges.

View our Digital Library of Youth Innovation to browse the Global Top 10 proposals — written by multicultural teams of young leaders aged 16-30 who represent over 25 countries.

Top-scoring teams will soon be invited to a virtual symposium to present their vision directly to experts at the United Nations Development Programme — and even see global youth insights reflected in the flagship UNDP Human Development Reports read by governments and executives worldwide.

I’m interested.





As fellow young leaders, we prioritize centering the perspectives of youth in all elements of the contest, including a Global Youth Vote that helps choose the world’s top 3 teams.


Most competitions want you to bring your startup or local solution. We give you the chance to go deeper and make a compelling case for what you think humanity’s global priorities should be.


Young people don’t often get taken seriously as thought partners in their communities and globally. You’ll engage directly with experts for the chance to present to United Nations colleagues.


Today, people worldwide feel unprecedented uncertainty as we face a combination of challenges never before seen in history.

Your team will organize your proposal around one of the three Challenge Themes below, combining global datasets with your lived experiences to help solve for humanity.


the planetary era of humanity

You’ll evaluate enormous changes across human-nature relationships including global climate change and biodiversity loss, and investigate how these planetary pressures create unequal economic and social impacts across regions. You’ll define new ideas for how we can thrive in balance with nature not just as individuals, but together as a species.


human society in transition

You’ll analyze the accelerating change across the technological and economic systems of human societies, shaped by new forms of economic collaboration and transformational technologies like renewable energy or AI. You’ll envision how to successfully transition our economies and technologies to build more sustainable, inclusive systems.


from values to structures

You’ll explore the evolution of social, cultural, and political institutions that influence our beliefs, behaviors, and lifestyles while shaping the global balance of power and agency between “developed” and “developing” regions. You’ll re-imagine global institutions to better support inclusive, democratic human development agendas.


Solving for Humanity is organized by a global team of youth working with experts at the Human Development Report Office (HDRO), one of the premier knowledge-producing units of the United Nations and author of the renowned Human Development Index (HDI) and other key metrics the UN uses to understand the human condition.

In a time of unprecedented uncertainty and complex issues, inclusive data — and perspectives — matter.

While developing your team’s proposal, you will learn about and engage critically with the latest Human Development Report and other holistic frameworks and platforms like the Multidimensional Poverty Index and Human Climate Horizons Platform, combining insights from these detailed datasets with your own lived experience of your home communities and regions.

Image credits: UN HDR via Creative Commons 3.0 IGO license


Form teams of 2 to 5 with your peers — or be matched into global, intercultural teams of young leaders across 6 continents working on a common challenge theme.


Dive deep into cutting-edge data on humanity’s toughest challenges, refining your team’s proposal with direct feedback from leading experts at top institutions and companies during over a dozen virtual, interactive expert sessions.



While international panels of expert judges score your team’s proposal, activate your school, community, and regional youth networks during our Global Youth Vote to lend support to your team and reach the Global Top 3, Top 10, or Top 30.

View the livestream of our virtual panel with global top teams and experts at the United Nations, and browse outstanding ideas and proposals in our digital library of youth innovation.



Solving for Humanity is organized by young leaders at South-North Scholars (SNS), the world’s first 100% youth-led knowledge network on sustainable development, working with experts at the United Nations Development Programme’s Human Development Report Office (HDRO).

Young leaders from


countries have joined SNS

SNS has engaged


young leaders this year (so far)

HDRO published


detailed Country Profiles in 2022

HDRO makes climate data on


regions available to SFH teams via the UNDP Human Climate Horizons platform

This is important: While we’re grateful to have the guidance of experts at the Human Development Report Office, the United Nations and HDRO do not endorse the views, proposals, or actions of any participant, expert, or SNS member.


  • Most social impact innovation competitions ask for solutions to pre-defined problems. Solving for Humanity gives you the chance to go deeper, using data and your own experiences to make a case to the United Nations for what humanity’s priorities should be and how we should measure "success” in human development. In our era of unprecedented complexity and uncertainty, this strategic input by young leaders is critical. We hope you’ll join us in solving for humanity.

  • No — Solving for Humanity embraces the principle of youth leadership, and we are 100% run by youth for youth. Our major organizer is the youth-led network South-North Scholars, which is independent of the United Nations. While we benefit from the guidance of experts at the Human Development Report Office (HDRO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and while the Global Top 3 teams will present their proposals to HDRO, it’s important to note that the United Nations and the Human Development Report Office do not review or endorse the views, proposals, or actions of any particular SFH participant, external expert, judge, or South-North Scholars member.

  • All young leaders (below 30 years old) around the world are invited to participate as part of teams of 2 to 5 participants. We welcome older professionals with more experience to join our Global Judging Committee.

  • No, there is absolutely no fee to participate in Solving for Humanity at any stage.

  • Yes. You can either name your team members or we can match you into global, intercultural teams of other young leaders based on your thematic interests (this is a great chance to get to know peers around the world, from Japan to Ghana).

  • Everyone whose team submits a proposal that we verify as meeting all requirements in the Proposal Guidelines will receive a Solving for Humanity Certificate of Completion by email after July 21. Click here to register your team today.

  • A proposal is a 3-page document (or 5 minute video) where your team will combine global datasets and your own lived experiences to make your case for two important things: the top priority obstacle we need to address for human development, and your vision for success in addressing this issue.

    For a detailed list of requirements, see our Proposal Guidelines and our optional proposal template.

  • Solving for Humanity is inclusive of participants with diverse communication styles. If you feel it better expresses your ideas, you can choose to submit a video of up to 5 minutes instead of a written 3 page proposal. The only requirement is that all substantial content be in English.

  • The Global Youth Vote is your chance to use social media and word of mouth to activate your school, community, and regional youth networks to make your voices heard on what you think should be humanity’s priorities. Each proposal that passes our preliminary completeness screening will be given a unique spot on our global platform, where people can visit and vote for the proposal. The results of the Global Youth Vote determine the proposal’s Youth Score, which is 50% of the final score of each proposal. As this is a democratic method and the proposals with the highest number of votes get the highest Youth Score, we encourage you to be creative and proactive about securing votes in your community and beyond.

  • If you are chosen as one of the Global Top 3 teams, your proposal will be shared with the UN Human Development Report Office. Your team will be invited to attend a virtual symposium where you will deliver a 10-15 minute presentation and engage in dialogue with the Director and staff at the UNDP Human Development Report Office. To help you prepare, our youth-led organizing team at South-North Scholars will connect you with experts from top NGOs, agencies, and consulting firms who will mentor you to help develop your presentation.

  • Not at the moment. Unfortunately, as a relatively young initiative run by volunteer young leaders, we do not currently have the budget to award seed funding or prize money. We are seeking collaborations that enable us to offer a nominal monetary prize to acknowledge the important labor youth put into developing world-class proposals, and we will update this section if things change.

    It’s important to note that we are not a typical hackathon or startup competition — instead, we offer something more unique: the chance to engage directly with the United Nations as a valued thought partner and elevate your global profile as a young leader, which is enormously helpful to win funding from all kinds of sources.

  • We’re so grateful for your interest in helping as many young leaders participate in this unique opportunity. Please visit our Instagram and LinkedIn via the buttons at the top of the screen, where you’ll be able to reshare our posts. If you're a youth network and want to get in touch to work on custom co-branded posts, please reach out at!

  • Please reach out to us at with a brief description of your network and link to your website or social media, and we'll set up a meeting.

    We would be honored to receive your important feedback and work with you to co-promote the competition as a valuable opportunity for your network members.

  • We are seeking professionals and experts, whether early career or late career, to volunteer 1 hour of your time as an expert speaker (between June 19 - July 19) or serve asynchronously on our Global Judging Committee (July 22 - August 6).

    Your perspective, career story, and feedback during our expert sessions are incredibly valuable to teams.

    To serve as a judge, please click here to fill out this form.

  • Between June 14 and July 14, we plan to organize side events and moderated panels where organizations can describe their work and engage with some of the world’s top young talent. We would be honored to work with your organization.

    Please get in touch at team@southnorthscholars with a brief description of your interest (e.g. potential topic) and we will follow up to discuss.